Thursday, June 23, 2011

Camps for June

Hey everybody. Its been a busy summer so far. I wanna hear about all the fun things you guys are doing with your horses or with you families! But until  we get some replies I'm going to tell you all about out summer at Heavenly Horses. We have Finished one week of camp and tomorrow is the last day or our Vacation Bible School.

     The first week of camp was a YMCA camp that had about 16 kids. It was a lot of fun the two days I was there. sadly I was sick with a REALLY bad sore throat. I thought I had strep and almost went to the doctor. But anyway it was an awesome couple days and it was a pretty amazing group of kids to work with.

The VBS camp though is pretty special. This was our biggest year ever. We had 125 kids on Day 1!! Th numbers have gone up and down from there but they have been around the 100's. Even with intense thunderstorms and an almost tornado the Lord provided and kept the skies clear during the camp hours. today we gave the salvation message and some of the members of Christian Life Fellowship, the church helping us, gave their testimonies. At the end of the day we had a number of 56 kids and 8 of our staff fully give themselves over to Christ!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly BEST DAY EVER!!

So this is a comment day! Tell us about your VBS or Backyard Bible adventure stories or even your own testimonies or any advise you want us to tell the kids we would love to hear it! thanks for reading today will attempt to post photos soon. (new camera + new software = clueless horse woman) Ha ha! have a marvelous day!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Hey so now that it's summer we are going to have ALOT going on. So little schedule update for ya.

Starting Monday is staff week !!! WAHOO sooooo excited. this is the week where we get our brains into camp gear. We plan our crafts and we re-learn how to pitch a tent. ha ha that's always a fun thing to do.This is the chores week we are setting up some canopies, painting the rest of our jumps, expanding our fire pit, and that's just the beginning.!!

The next week starting on the 13 and going to the 17th is a YMCA camp. Just a nice easy half day camp to warm us up a little.

Then the 20th-24 is the test. It is VBS (Vacation Bible School) week. So much fun but sooo many kids last year we had a record breaking 84 kids!! that's awesome.

And in the middle of all this we started a new boyscout troop today! I love working with the scouts. This group is so funny and energetic. They are an awesome group of kids and some even volunteered to work for us this summer! after 1 day!