Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hello and welcome to Heavenly Horse's blog.  Heavenly Horses is a Christian based riding program for kids and adults alike. Our goal here is to introduce instruct the world of horsemanship to people of all ages. We work with the Boy Scouts of America with the merit badge program and we also run our own summer camp including a Vacation Bible School with Christian Life Fellowship.
      Sharon Casares, who specializes in hunt seat, jumping, dressage, and western pleasure, has been riding ever since she was a child. She has had over 18 years of experience with working with the Boy Scouts of America. She has also been a youth group leader and a Sunday School Teacher for over five years.

Heavenly Horses currently has nine horses and ponies. Each and every horse or pony is specially trained for working with kids.  The horses strive for attention and the good girl or the good boy form the kids. they love being ridden and showing. We have two pretty little females and seven other beautiful geldings. The two girlies are Sassy, a wild mustang who can sometimes live up to her name, and a little black pony named Shilo who absolutely adores little kids. reign Czeck is an Arabian from Nevada that loves to jump! Next we have Apollo who is a sun shine gold quarter horse who is lazy but once he sees those barrels he is turned on ! then we have jack who is a 20 year old paint horse that is our #1 beginner horse. Next we have Stetson who is the joker of our group and is a bilingual horse that speaks English fluently, no joke. Then we have Almighty Titan who was a serious competitor in jumping shows making fences 3ft and higher. Next we have ones of our newest arrivals named Moe. He is our second pony that is as cute as anything. Last but far from least is Jay J. He is the great great great great grandson of the astounding Secretariat. He was raced for a few years but didn't live up to the family legacy. Now he is a super jumper and making big fences look like nothing.

Thanks for reading this and we will update every now and then with pictures and videos and new stories of the horses. we have a horse show next Saturday so we will surely have some stories from that. Till the next post,
                Heavenly Horses

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