Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catching up

HEy Hey Hey! So so sorry bout the delay with the show news and such but now I am back and I have alot of news and later lots of pictures. So I want you all to thin WAY back to my post about showing at the spring grove hunter jumper. So that went really well ! We came home with a Reserve Grand Champion for one of the jumping divisions. congrats again Abagail!!  That was the highlight of the day We all did good but we didn't match or top that. Poor Kendall. Ty had a hissyfit and we decided it was smarter and safer that she only did the smaller training rounds and she didn't actually compete. But besides that It went smoooooth. Stetson was definatly the champ of the day. He was up against some of the best jumping horses and riders I've seen in a while and together me and him came out with a 5th two 6th and a 2nd!

      Four Winds went equally as well. I decided not to show so Mrs C did and she was fantastic. came out with some firsts seconds and thirds. Clarissa on reign Czeck came out with Grand Champion for the day and made us proud.

And the most recent show was this past Saturday back at Spring Grove for the Open show. Open shows are where the judge calls out what you are supposed to do and they grade depending on the class, the horse or the rider or both.  We had many first time showers and they handled it like pros. We came out with ribbons of all colors. Some of our riders got roobed but hey that's showing and only one persons opinion.  One of our first time showers and staffers named Katlyn didamazing. She and Titan competed in 2 western pleasure classes and came out with two seconds!!!

This was our showing experience for the month of may we are done with showing for a while as the camps start up. We have YMCA camp and a VBS camp but then on june 27 We start the first full day Heavenly Horses Summer Camp of 2011.  There is still time to sign up send your kid to the best week of their life =)
they have been some of the best in mine and it's awsome cuz I get to live it all summer.

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